It’s Autumn!
The clocks have gone back, it’s distinctly cooler, and the colours outdoors are beautiful reds, yellows and oranges.
Perfect for cosying up indoors with a Rock Rose Gin and some nice treats. We have included some lovely tapas inspired goodies to help you to just that. We hope you enjoy them

Made for Drink
These delicious snacks are perfect alongside your favourite tipple! Thin cut potato fries seasoned with Chicken Salt, a delicious blend of savoury herbs and spices.
Made for Drink are 100% carbon neutral and are working towards being plastic free.
Made for Drink but which drink will you enjoy them alongside – we’d love to hear your thoughts!
We love olives – either on their own or on the side of a dirty martini.
Oloves are delicious! The juicy, plump, amazingly firm yet crisp Greek Halkidiki & Kalamata olives work as the perfect accompaniment to a Rock Rose Gin & tonic.

Did you like the look of our Refill Rewards Club – November box? Sign up to become one of our fabulous members – become a SuperFan, an Appreciator or a Sipper and enjoy regular boxes of goodies just like this.
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